About Discount

Portal to the world of discounted crypto and fixed-income returns.

The Problem:

  • Existing DeFi yield opportunities are unpredictable, sidelining users who are less risk-averse.

  • They are not user-friendly enough for mainstream adoption.

  • They often feel disconnected from reality, catering primarily to a niche group of DeFi enthusiasts (often referred to as "degens") who chase inflated APYs in a player-vs-player manner.

How Discount addresses these issues:

  • Predictability: Introduces fixed-income investment opportunities.

  • User-Friendly Design: Offers an easy and intuitive interface, reminiscent of trusted Web2 platforms.

  • Clear Branding: The name 'Discount' is brandable and immediately communicates the platform's intent. (i.e. minimal user onboarding education is needed)

Discount is for:

  • Individuals: They can easily browse through deals on discounted cryptocurrencies, select the one that aligns with their financial goals, and track earnings in real-time.

  • DAOs: They can allocate a portion of their treasury to fixed-income-producing assets via Discount, ensuring long-term sustainability.

  • Businesses: Those seeking to diversify their investment portfolio or allocate a portion of their runway will find value in Discount's offerings.


Designed on the robust DeFi's interest rate derivatives protocol Spectra, Discount leverages the design of the Principal Token primitive.

Principal Tokens function like zero-coupon bonds. They trade at a discount until maturity, offering a fixed return for holders.With Discount, purchasing discounted cryptocurrencies like USDC or ETH becomes straightforward, even for those without extensive DeFi knowledge.

For instance, one might buy 1000 Discounted USDC for 950 USDC and redeem the full amount on a specified date.

Before the advent of Principal Tokens, Web3 had limited fixed-income opportunities.


Discount Finance is being built by Poza Labs, whose team members share a combined 10 years of experience in DeFi across UXUI, solidity, full-stack, marketing, comms & data. A team with a laser-focus on this exciting financial use case.

Last updated